and clinics
Whether it is for visualization, treatment planning, or in-house design and production, a CAD/CAM solution is what goes at the heart of your digital dentistry. We have the widest range of softwares and apps to digitize your work from A to Z
unites everything
3Shape Unite is the workflow engine that unlocks a world of possibilities with your scan. From digital impression to treatment conclusion, it unites everything in between.
Treatments are made simple from start to finish. Experience guided and straightforward workflows, and utilize efficient patient and case management and communication with your lab or preferred Unite partner.

Thousands of apps in the Unite Store give you the freedom to choose best-in-class solutions. Boost your work and collaborations with 3Shape, labs, and treatment providers. Use dental apps for routine, in-demand and specialist treatments, all in one place.

Every colleague using Unite can manage their work in the cloud and can access it from any location, on any device, with the 3Shape Unite Cloud app and web. Store and manage patient scans, track case progress, communicate with your lab, and view all your 3Shape licenses in the cloud, no matter where you are.

The first solution to enable you to use wireless TRIOS scanners on any PC in your practice via Wi-Fi. Discover real wireless freedom to scan and plan anywhere with award-winning 3Shape TRIOS wireless intraoral scanners.
Pass the scanner, share the power.
Moving your wireless intraoral scanner from room to room used to be a challenge. Not anymore. With TRIOS Share, you can walk around with only one wireless TRIOS intraoral scanner and use it on every PC and Mac in your practice via Wi-Fi. Save money and get your whole team onboard with digital dentistry by sharing the power of TRIOS throughout your practice.
The first solution that lets you digitize your entire clinic with just one intraoral scanner.

The full range of indications
From single or multiple implants to full edentulous cases, you can plan any implant treatment and design any surgical guide, tooth-, mucousa-, or bone-supported.

Allows for prosthetic driven implant planning. This does not only enable a more efficient and outcome-based workflow for you, but also delivers better results for your patients.

Implat Studio is a go-to solution for all implant cases. You can start with single unit cases and then progress to multiple implant cases or even fully edentulous cases. For invasive and predictable surgery, design tooth-, mucousa- or bone-supported guides.
Implant Studio has an easy-to-follow, step-by-step workflow. To decrease the learning curve, we have introduced a hints & notification system that helps you in design steps by offering tips & tricks or reminding you how to solve design-related issues.

Diagnostic tools help you decide if cases are appropriate for immediate loading. You can virtually remove teeth and then design a surgical guide and the temporary prosthetics for same-day placement.

Because our chairside dental software is developed by dentists for dentists, it reflects the way you want to work in your practice. It is designed to guide you through your workflows using automatically generated CAD/CAM designs, but you are always free to take advantage of our powerful editing tools when you want. You can, for example, start with single-molar e-max crowns, like this dentist. Once comfortable with that, you move on to inlay/onlays to add business value. Once experienced, you can do more esthetic cases, such as anterior veneers, or go all the way up to 3-unit bridges and screw-retained crowns*.
The easy-to-follow, step-by-step workflow allows you to design where and when you want. On your workstation, another laptop, or at home. TRIOS Design Studio includes smart AI Crown technology, which quickly proposes a restorative design for you. This shortens the time to production steps and can make your workflows more efficient. Once your design is complete, you just choose how you want to manufacture: in-house or by the lab.

Are you looking to add new and highly profitable services? 3Shape Splint Studio, with automated design functionality, enables you to design and manufacture occlusal splints in just a few clicks

Maxillary or mandibular occlusal splints can be designed with elements such as anterior guidance ramps, flat planes, centric stops and bite blocks. Increase your splint’s usability by adding attachments to your designs in the software. And, create splints based on restorative designs imported from 3Shape Dental System and TRIOS Design Studio software.

Effective Case Collaberation

Unleash your creativity and boost your lab’s productivity with intuitive designing and easy-to-use ‘next-next’ workflows. Dental System has over 35 indications, so you are certain to find what you are looking for